Is the speed or RPM missing from the display on your Schwinn Airdyne AD6 console?
We can help you with the common causes for this issue. We have what to check and the steps you can take to fix the problem.
Possible Causes for No Speed or RPM:
- Computer Cable
- Cable Orientation and Connections
- Magnet for Speed Sensor
- Speed Sensor
How to Check Possible Causes for No Speed or RPM:
- Computer Cable - Inspect the cable. All wires should be intact. Ensure no crimps, cuts, or physical damage to the cable. Replace cable if necessary.
- Cable Connection and Orientation - Inspect to make sure cable is in proper orientation and makes a secure connection. The small latch on the connector should line up and snap into place.
- Magnet for Speed Sensor - Inspect for the magnet to be in place on the crank pulley. Shrouds will need be removed for this inspection. Magnet in the crank pulley is visible from the user's right side.
- Speed Sensor - The speed sensor bracket should be aligned with the magnet on the fan and connected to the computer cable. Realign the sensor if necessary. The spacing should be about 1/8". Replace the speed sensor if any damage to the sensor or the connecting wire.
This completes the common causes and things to check for No Speed or RPM displayed on Schwinn AD6 Airdyne bike console.
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