Stairmaster 10G Stepmill, LCB COM LOST

Shorted RPM sensors are a known issue on the Stairmaster 10G Stepmill. The RPM sensor (OEM# 560-0069) measures the revolutions per minute of the steps.


  • LCB COM LOST is an error that may display with a shorted RPM sensor

An LCB inspection needs performed. You may discover electronic burning smell and/or damage to a component on the LCB board.
Note: Damage to a component is not always visible.


  • If you believe a shorted RPM sensor is the issue with your 10G, you must replace the LCB and RPM sensor at the same time.
    CAUTION: Do Not connect a possible shorted RPM sensor into a new or known good LCB. Doing this will cause the new or known good LCB to fail.
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