Bike Pedals and Pedals Straps for Bikes

Bike pedals and pedal straps are a popular replacement part of indoor exercise bikes.

Pedals and straps are often one of the first customizations an owner makes to their bike.

Depending on the age of someone's bike parts may not be original. The pedals on the bike today may be different. This is the same for the pedal strap.

We can suggest pedals and straps that are original to a bike. Yet, the original pedals or straps may not be what the bike has today.

We find people have the best luck shopping for bike pedals by knowing what size pedal the bike needs. Click here to learn how to determine the pedal size for your bike.

We know people have the most success shopping for pedal straps by matching what is on their bike. Click here to shop for pedal straps.

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