How To Replace Spring Pulley on Stairmaster 4000PT


This process covers how to replace the spring pulley on the Stairmaster Stepper 4000PT


  • Snap Ring Pliers


  1. Remove the bottom cover.
  2. Unhook the pedal arm return spring from the spring hanger.
  3. Remove the snap ring from the pulley shaft. (WARNING: To reduce the risk of eye injury, wear eye protection when removing snap rings.)
  4.  Slide pulley and washer off the shaft.
  5. Before reinstalling the pulley, clean the pulley shaft thoroughly with a clean, dry cloth. Apply a thin coat of multipurpose grease to the pulley shaft.
  6. Slide the pulley and washer onto the shaft and install the snap ring.
  7. Route the spring under the spring pulley.
  8. Hook the end of the spring over the spring hanger. (WARNING: Do not twist the spring during installation. It will wear excessively and reduce the life of the spring.)
  9. Reinstall the cover.
  10. This completes replacing a spring pulley on your Stairmaster 4000PT.
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