Diagnostic Motor Test Mode for StarTrac 3500 and 3900 Treadmills

The following procedure will run a motor test on your StarTrac 3500 treadmill.

  • Hold down the DISPLAY/SCROLL key while turning the power switch "on." You will then see the test then the display will scroll the version software, the time (the time LED will also be displayed), the distance (the distance LED will also be displayed), and then it will scroll back to test.
  • Depress the speed + or – keys to increase/decrease speed. When you stop at any certain speed the measured will constantly fluctuate by .1 or so and will toggle between itself and the commanded speed. In regular mode, it will not toggle like this.
  • When depressing the elevation UP and DOWN keys the displayed value will be what is commanded and it will then toggle every 5 seconds or so back to the elevation value the treadmill is actually at until it reaches the commanded elevation.


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