How to Adjust the Seat on an Indoor Cycle

This video will demonstrate how to adjust the seat on your indoor cycle properly.


  • Adjustable Wrench


  1. To begin loosen the nuts on each side of the seat in equal turns. Ideally, there should be equal portions of the clamp bolt exposed on each side.
  2. Once you have them loosened you can adjust the seat back and forth on the mounting rails as well as adjust the angle of the set. The best position for the seat is level and in the center of the mounting rails adjustment.
  3. Once you have the seat positioned as desired, tighten the nuts on each side of the seat at equal turns with your fingers and then tighten the nuts using a wrench an equal number of turns as well. Remember the goal is to have equal portions of the seat clamp bolt exposed on each side
  4. This is all that is required to adjust the seat on your indoor cycle.
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