How to Install a Pedal Strap onto a Stationary Bike Pedal

This Sportsmith video will demonstrate how to attach a pedal strap onto a pedal. Please note: This is easiest when the pedal is attached to the bike. We did not have a bike available so we are showing the process with the pedal removed from the bike.

  Tech Tip

Soaking the pedal straps in hot water can make the strap installation even easier as the hot water will soften the rubber making it more pliable.


  • Start on the inside of the pedal (nearest the pedal shaft) by placing the slotted hole in the strap at the bottom of the tab and pulling the strap up and into place as seen in the video.
  • Then with the tab on the outside of the pedal, start at the bottom and push the strap up and around the tab into place.
  • This is all that is required to install a pedal strap onto a bike pedal.
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