This video discusses the different console modes for this accessory upgrade to Schwinn AC indoor cycles.
- Turn the power to the console on by pressing any one of the (3) buttons: STAGE, AVG END, or Backlight
- Workout Mode is the screen the user encounters after turning the console on
- This allows the user to view various details about their workout while exercising
- Calories Burned
- Speed (RPM)
- Total Time
- Watts
- Stage
- Console features a battery icon at the bottom of the display to help the user monitor battery levels
- This allows the user to view various details about their workout while exercising
- Service Mode is most commonly used by a technician when performing maintenance
- Access this mode by pressing down and holding the STAGE and AVG END buttons
- L- - will come up on the display when Service Mode is accessed
- In this mode, you can see if any errors have occurred
- Error codes can be found in both the owner's and service manuals
- If an opened end wrench appears at the bottom of this screen it is an indicator that maintenance needs performed to the console or various parts of the bike
- Service mode offers sub-menus that you can scroll through using the AVG END button
- Access the sub menu by pressing the backlight button
- Submenu options are:
- L- - is Level – L01 is the default level for all bikes
- Un- is Unit of Measure – Un0 is Metric and Un1 is Standard
- P- - is Power – PE1 is enabled for use when the bike is equipped with a Power Sensor and PE0 is for power off when there is no power sensor
- The Power setting is very important to know when pairing the console, speed, and power sensor on a bike
- C- - is Power Calibration – this is used for tilt calibration when a bike is equipped with a power upgrade
- AP- is Battery Levels – AP1 is the console, AP2 is the speed sensor, and AP3 is the power sensor
- EP- is Maintenance – allows the service technician to reset summary information for the last maintenance schedule, check various preventative maintenance needing performed
- U- - is USB Enabling – U01 disables the function, U02 enables the function (default for all consoles), and U03 sets it to export the data to a USB device which allows users to connect a USB such as zip drive or thumb drive to save their workout data to help them track their progress
- - - - is a way to return to the Workout Mode from the Service Mode
- Refer to the owner's manual or service manual for additional help with the console modes of a Schwinn AC bike
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