Precor Error Code 05

Probable Cause

  1. A key is permanently depressed on the display.
  2. An interface chip (IC) has failed in the upper PCA's keypad.
  3. Liquid (cleaning solution or sweat) may be on the surface of a touch-sensitive display.

Corrective Action

  1. Disconnect the keypad cable from the upper PCA.  Reset power to the machine.  If Error 05 is eliminated, the keypad is the cause and should be replaced.
  2. Disconnect the keypad cable from the upper PCA.  Reset power to the machine.  If Error 05 still appears, the upper PCA* is the cause and should be replaced. *Upper PCA's most commonly do not come with software.  Remove the software (chip) from the existing upper PCA prior to replacement and install it into the new upper PCA.
  3. Wipe away all liquid from the touch-sensitive display.  Reset power to the unit.  If Error 05 is eliminated, the liquid was the cause.
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