Precor Error 37, E-Stop Not Working

Probable Cause

  1. Pulling and resetting the E-Stop twice within the 10 second time-out period
  2. Pull the E-Stop, turn the treadmill off, turn the treadmill back on and then start a course
  3. Pull the E-Stop, turn the treadmill off, reset the E-Stop, turn the treadmill on again and then start a course
  4. Break the E-Stop line
  5. The LPCA transmits a BAD command while the treadmill is at the banner

Corrective Action

  1. Ensure the E-Stop is engaged, then cycle the power by turning the treadmills ON/OFF switch to OFF and then back to ON
  2. Ensure the E-Stop is engaged, then cycle the power by turning the treadmills ON/OFF switch to OFF and then back to ON
  3. Ensure the E-Stop is engaged, then cycle the power by turning the treadmills ON/OFF switch to OFF and then back to ON
  4. Ensure the E-Stop is engaged, then cycle the power by turning the treadmills ON/OFF switch to OFF and then back to ON
    • The E-Stop switch may be faulty or have loose connections on the cable
    • Check for poor or broken connections on the E-Stop switch
      • If the connections are good, test with a known good switch
      • If the test proves the switch is good, replace the lower board
  5. Ensure the E-Stop is engaged, then cycle the power by turning the treadmills ON/OFF switch to OFF and then back to ON
    • Test unit with a known good interconnect data cable
    • If the test proves the cable is good, replace the lower board
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