Pedaling is Difficult or Not Possible on LifeFitness 95Ce, 95Ci and 95CW Bikes

Probable Cause

  1. Malfunctioning pulley clutch assembly.
  2. The alternator belt is excessively tight.
  3. Alternator belt alignment OFF.
  4. Crank bearings are worn.

Corrective Action

  1. Inspect Clutch for free backward and forward rotation. Replace malfunctioning Pulley Clutch or Freewheel.
  2. Inspect belt deflection. Alternator Belt Deflection: 1/4 inch (6mm), Adjust as necessary.
  3. Realign alternator belt to far users left groove of the alternator pulley, not in the center.
  4. Replace Crank Bearings.
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