Checked Battery and Brushes, Still No Resistence - Stairmaster CL Steppers

Do you have a cordless Stairmaster stepper, such as the 4400CL or 4600CL? Are you having a no resistance issue and still cannot find the cause?

You have checked the battery (found it was good) and the alternator brushes (found they were good) and yet, still, have no resistance?

Could it be that your console is not powering up? We recommend reading this article that covers troubleshooting resistance of a Stairmaster 4400CL and 4600CL.

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  • Resistance just stopped during a work out and never came back. I checked the battery and the alternator (using a jump wire) and bought and changed the brushes.  With the jump wire, I get resistance.  The console powers on and I've checked the speed sensor distance.  What else could I check?


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