Bowflex Home Gym Cables and Cords

A quick reference of the home gym cables and rope cords for BowFlex strength. Find details such as part#s, cable or rope lengths, and how many are needed for the BowFlex home gyms.

Bowflex Home Gym

OEM Cable or Rope Part#

Cable or Rope Name

Qty Per Home Gym

Cable or Rope Length


17077 Squat Cable 2 35.125 inches
11852 Rod Cable 2 43.25 inches
17067 Lat Cable 2 56.125 inches
51381 Y Cable 1 n/a

Classic Home Gym

51272 Y Cable 1 n/a
11852 Rod Cable 2 43.25 inches
002-6773 Lat Cable 2 52.25 inches

Elite XL

11852 Rod Cable 2 43.25 inches

Power Pro

11852 Rod Cable 2 43.25 inches
90275 Lat Cable 1 59 inches
90216 Squat Cable 1 41.5 inches
90263 Leg Cable 1 68 inches


51272 Y Cable 1 n/a
11852 Rod Cable 2 43.25 inches
002-6773 Lat Cable 2 52.25 inches


12560 Squat Cable 2 141.562 inches
002-2211 Rod Cable 2 n/a


11852 Rod Cable 2 43.25 inches


000-5827 Main Rope 1 130 inches
000-5814 Leg Press Rope 1 n/a
000-5796 Leg Developer Rope 1 56.125 inches

Revolution XP

002-1068 (Discontinued; No Substitute Available) Leg Extension Rope 2 n/a
002-1069 Lat Pull Rope 2 n/a
000-5827 Main Rope 1 130 inches


51272 Y Cable 1


11852 Rod Cable 2 43.25 inches
17077 Squat Cable 2 35.125 inches
17067 Lat Cable 2 56.125 inches

Sport Plus

11852 Rod Cable 2 43.25 inches

Ultimate 2

000-3380 Rod Cable 2 169.125 inches
000-3379 Lat Cable 2 152.875 inches
000-2571 Ab Cable 1 29.125 inches


51353 Lat Cable 1 55.625 inches
11852 Rod Cable 2 43.25 inches
51492 Leg Extension Cable 2 n/a


11495 Lat Cable 2 40.875 inches
11435 Squat Cable 2 33.562 inches
11473 Rod Cable 2 80.75 inches

Xceed Plus

11529 Leg Extension Cable 2 9.562 inches



11852 Rod Cable 2 43.25 inches
51492 Leg Extension Cable n/a n/a


11435 Squat Cable 2 33.562 inches
11852 (folding bench) Rod Cable 2 43.25 inches
11495 Lat Cable 2 40.875 inches
11529 Leg Extension Cable 2 9.562 inches

Xtreme 2

12550 Rod Cable 2 150.625 inches
12560 Squat Cable 2 141.562 inches
11529 Leg Extension Cable 2 9.562 inches

Xtreme SE



11473 (non-folding bench) Rod Cable 2 80.75 inches
11852 (folding bench) Rod Cable 2

43.25 inches

11495 Lat Cable 2

40.875 inches

11435 Squat Cable 2

33.562 inches

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