Schwinn Airdyne Video, How To Replace the Pedal Chain

This video walks you through how to replace the pedal chain on a Schwinn Airdyne exercise bike. The chain in this video uses a master link.

The bike model in this video is an Airdyne 4. The steps for replacing the chain are similar for all Schwinn Airdyne bikes with a pedal chain. This includes the Airdyne 3, Airdyne ProComp with Big Fan, and Airdyne Evolution Comp that has the small, wide blade fan.

Note: Some bikes in the field may not have a master link. Click here to watch a video on how to use a chain tool to remove the chain.

If your bike has bolts attaching the pedal cranks instead of wedge pins, click here to watch a video on how to use crank puller to remove the pedal crank.


Do you need to replace the fan chain? Click here to watch a video about how to replace the fan chain on a Schwinn Airdyne.

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